Excerpts from The Money Workbook
By Roger Bruce Lane, Ph.D.
Copyright 2016 by Roger Bruce Lane, Ph.D. Any distribution or reproduction of this publication –with the exception of forwarding by email – without written permission is prohibited.
People as Creators
It is no secret that we spend a great deal of time creating, whether it is a relationship with the“perfect” person or the home run that wins the ballgame with two outs in the bottom of the ninth. Our minds are continuously busy – “activity” being one of the main things to which our minds are attracted – but have we ever taken a moment or two and reflected upon just what thoughts our minds are focused upon? Is it something that lifts us and other people or is it something that “knocks” them and, ultimately, ourselves? Are we focused upon fear, lack and anything that limits us or rationalizes our self-defeat, or are we focused upon our growth, our strengths, and being of service to ourselves and others?
Let us take a moment to answer the question of how a person’s environs are created. The answer is simple. Each person’s thoughts are projected onto the world and the world then materializes according to that person’s thoughts. As a person persists in these thoughts, he/she becomes a reflection of them until he manifests these thoughts. This is the meaning of the Biblical saying that “as a man thinketh in his heart, he becometh.”
We create the world according to what we focus upon; where we place our “attention” determines our direction.
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The Antidote to Animosity
The antidote to this animosity, whether reflected on a large scale in wars or on a smaller one towards our neighbors, is to accept each and every aspect of ourselves.For, in the scheme of things, everything is according to plan; it is not “good,” it is not “bad.”
It all begins with self-acceptance. To “love your neighbor as yourself” is an impossible task without it.
A world in which each person is fulfilled, each person reaching his/her potential becomes a natural byproduct of this. It is not that our educational, political and economic systems suddenly change. The structures that appear to govern us change.
As we change our thoughts to ones of self-acceptance and love and abundance, the structures made from these thoughts change, permitting these systems to accommodate our new potential.
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Gratitude: The Gateway of Self-Expression
Being in gratitude means one is deeply appreciative of what one already has. When you walk around with this attitude you are not lacking anything but are living in the knowledge that all your needs are being taken care of. If such is, indeed, the case, you know that when you need something in the future it is there. If you are walking around with a reference point inside yourself of having your needs met then you project that thought and, as the powerful creator you really are, you create your environment to match this thought. Voila! It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Creating the Life You Truly Want: Visualization and Programming
Just because it has not happened yet does not mean it has not happened.
In the past five years, movies and books have portrayed an awareness of dimensions and events beyond the “normal” range of consciousness. The parameters of the brain/mind are being constantly expanded as science and medicine being to understand its true nature. A leading daily newspaper featured an article exploring science’s changing perception of the brain: it was no longer viewed as reaching complete growth as one completes the teenage years but, in the brains of those people who were in their eighties and nineties, the brain was documented as growing nerve networks expanding outward. When the environment for people this age was not a stimulating one, growth of the brain corresponded and there was no expansion of the nerve network to incorporate and understand new and complex things in its world. Medicine and science have confirmed anage-old axiom: now is the perfect time to change.
It is no secret that we spend a great deal of time creating, whether it is a relationship with the“perfect” person or the home run that wins the ballgame with two outs in the bottom of the ninth. Our minds are continuously busy – “activity” being one of the main things to which our minds are attracted – but have we ever taken a moment or two and reflected upon just what thoughts our minds are focused upon? Is it something that lifts us and other people or is it something that “knocks” them and, ultimately, ourselves? Are we focused upon fear, lack and anything that limits us or rationalizes our self-defeat, or are we focused upon our growth, our strengths, and being of service to ourselves and others?
Let us take a moment to answer the question of how a person’s environs are created. The answer is simple. Each person’s thoughts are projected onto the world and the world then materializes according to that person’s thoughts. As a person persists in these thoughts, he/she becomes a reflection of them until he manifests these thoughts. This is the meaning of the Biblical saying that “as a man thinketh in his heart, he becometh.”
We create the world according to what we focus upon; where we place our “attention” determines our direction.
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The Antidote to Animosity
The antidote to this animosity, whether reflected on a large scale in wars or on a smaller one towards our neighbors, is to accept each and every aspect of ourselves.For, in the scheme of things, everything is according to plan; it is not “good,” it is not “bad.”
It all begins with self-acceptance. To “love your neighbor as yourself” is an impossible task without it.
A world in which each person is fulfilled, each person reaching his/her potential becomes a natural byproduct of this. It is not that our educational, political and economic systems suddenly change. The structures that appear to govern us change.
As we change our thoughts to ones of self-acceptance and love and abundance, the structures made from these thoughts change, permitting these systems to accommodate our new potential.
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Gratitude: The Gateway of Self-Expression
Being in gratitude means one is deeply appreciative of what one already has. When you walk around with this attitude you are not lacking anything but are living in the knowledge that all your needs are being taken care of. If such is, indeed, the case, you know that when you need something in the future it is there. If you are walking around with a reference point inside yourself of having your needs met then you project that thought and, as the powerful creator you really are, you create your environment to match this thought. Voila! It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Creating the Life You Truly Want: Visualization and Programming
Just because it has not happened yet does not mean it has not happened.
In the past five years, movies and books have portrayed an awareness of dimensions and events beyond the “normal” range of consciousness. The parameters of the brain/mind are being constantly expanded as science and medicine being to understand its true nature. A leading daily newspaper featured an article exploring science’s changing perception of the brain: it was no longer viewed as reaching complete growth as one completes the teenage years but, in the brains of those people who were in their eighties and nineties, the brain was documented as growing nerve networks expanding outward. When the environment for people this age was not a stimulating one, growth of the brain corresponded and there was no expansion of the nerve network to incorporate and understand new and complex things in its world. Medicine and science have confirmed anage-old axiom: now is the perfect time to change.